The System-Risk kick-off meeting hosted by the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences took place from 10-14 October in the Potsdam. The 1st day of the meeting started with presentations about challenges imposed at different levels of flood risk chain assessment by the lead scientist from each Work Package, followed by a short research plan from each of the Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). Day two started with intra- and inter-Work Package group discussions where anticipated interactions between the 15 ESRs were discussed. The day was finalized with a discussion on potential review papers to be produced within each of the Work Packages. The 3rd and 4th day mainly focused on the Soft Skill Course to assist ESRs in developing their Personal Career Development Plan (PCDP).
Sonu Khanal (ESR1), hosted by FutureWater, will work on the “Improvement of Future Weather techniques for Flood Risk Assessment”. His research aims to develop the concept of Future Weather: high-resolution realizations of future weather events and a high degree of tailoring the meteorological part to make them relevant for the flood risk world. This work eventually leads to more realistic flood scenarios. His research will explore how these Future Weather scenarios can complement the traditional climate change scenario approach, and how it can possibly contribute to adaptation planning programs such as the Dutch Delta Program.