Two missions in September and October 2017 were held in Calí, Colombia as the starting point of the HERMANA project. During these missions, the HERMANA team, composed by staff from Deltares, FutureWater, and the Dutch Water Authorities, shared Dutch and Colombian experiences in water monitoring, management and governance. Furthermore, they identified the main functional and technical requirements for setting up the new Water Management Information Centre (WMIC) for the Cauca Valley Basin. Issues related with policy planning, decision processes, roles and mandates, surface and groundwater interactions and conjunctive use, and how to effectively integrate current technologies as GeoCVC, GeoNetCast, FEWS-Colombia and FEWS-ESCASES, infoSequia and HydroNET were addressed through institutional and technical workshops, meetings, participatory exercises, and technical field trips.
During both events, our staff member Sergio Contreras provided different presentations regarding the FutureWater company expertise-profile and its role in the HERMANA project, and how infoSequia, a Drought Monitoring Assessment Tool developed by FutureWater, is being implemented in the WMIC. The next mission is planned at the beginning of March 2018.