Usually we travel all around the globe to provide tailor-made trainings to our local partners. We find it important to share the knowledge and tools we develop at FutureWater that benefit water management. During COVID-19 times and the coinciding travel restrictions we need to adapt, which has resulted in putting trainings in an online environment. We are excited to launch our newly developed FutureWater Moodle School (Figure 1).
With the expert support of Delft Digital Learning we set-up the Moodle platform and already provided our first training successfully with >30 participants. Feel welcome to browse the newly launched FutureWater Moodle School, and visit or click on the button at the top of the FutureWater website (see Figure 2). You can log-in as guest and check out the courses currently available, more will be coming soon. If you are interested to request an online training tailored to your organisation, you can contact us for further details.