FutureWater Course on Real Water Savings Now Available in the FAO E-learning Academy

In the context of the global water shortages and challenges for water savings in agricultural systems, this course introduces interventions and tools, and more specifically the real water savings in agricultural systems (REWAS) project, that aims to provide practical guidance on the implementation of real water savings. Text from FAO elearning Academy website. Audience This...

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Romania Holds Preliminary Design Review Meeting for MAGDA Project, Setting the Stage for Further Progress

On May 22-23, FutureWater attended the Preliminary Design Review Meeting (PDR) for the MAGDA project in Bucharest, Romania. The meeting was hosted by the National Meteorological Administration, and it was a great opportunity for project partners to meet in person and present the latest achievements. The major outputs from the first six project months were...

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FutureWater Presents Climate-Smart Agriculture Solutions at the El-Wadi Exhibition in Egypt

Last week, FutureWater joined a Dutch delegation to the El-Wadi Exhibition on climate and water smart agriculture in Upper Egypt. During the five-day mission, we presented our expertise and tools to help farmers prepare for the future. On the first day of the mission, we visited two large agricultural sites to learn about current farming...

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Completion of Tailor-made Group Training on Building Data-driven Capacity for Ecosystem Services and Management in Iran

Funded by Nuffic as part of the Mena Scholarship Programme and requested by The Center for Conservation and Development of Sustainable Ecosystems (ZIPAK) in Iran, the training focused on providing participants with relevant hands-on experience in tools and techniques to enhance their capacity to manage (protected) ecosystems in Iran. Over the course of 10 days,...

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New World Bank Report Higlights Land Restoration Opportunities in the Naryn River Basin, Kyrgyz Republic

The Kyrgyz Republic is one of the countries in Central Asia most vulnerable to land degradation and climate change impacts. Climate-related disasters and land degradation due to unsustainable land use practices already affect the rural and urban population, which depends on natural resources and critical infrastructure. The World Bank has just released a report outlining...

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FutureWater Joins New EU Project Set to Catalyze the Shift to Climate-sensitive Transboundary Water Allocation and Management in Central Asia

The WE-ACT project, backed by the European Commission, is on a mission to revolutionize the allocation of water resources across borders by using digitalization tools for inclusive, forward-looking and climate risk-informed water allocation planning and management processes.    In January, FutureWater joined the kick-off of the Horizon Europe funded WE-ACT (Water Efficient Allocation in a Central...

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New Study Led by FutureWater Shows That High Mountain Asia Faces Acute Climate Change Issues

High Mountain Asia (HMA) serves as a major water source for large rivers in Asia. HMA consists of the Tibetan Plateau (TP), surrounded by the mountain ranges of Tien Shan, Pamir, Hindu Kush, and the Karakoram in the west, the Himalayas in the south and southeast, and Qilian Shan in the east. Over 1.4 billion...

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Training on Water Accounting Successfully Held in Pakistan

Last week, the first part of the Water Accounting Training for the Agriculture, Climate and Water Sector Organizations in Pakistan was successfully completed at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) office in Islamabad, Pakistan. This training has been designed by FutureWater and FAO as part of the Green Climate Fund funded...

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FutureWater and HiView Provide Flying Sensor Acquisition and Training in Mozambique

FutureWater and HiView will provide the Agência de Desenvolvimento do Vale do Zambeze (ADVZ) in Mozambique with a dozen of new ‘Rapid Eye XS’ drone systems, as well as DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise NDVI systems. These will be used for extension services to farmers in the Zambezi Valley. Also, FutureWater and HiView will provide a...

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Virtual Training Session on ‘Glacio-Hydrological Modeling’ for Central Water Commision (India)

For the operationalization of climate change adaptation actions in the Himalayan region, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) supports multiple partners at the national and sub-national level through the project “Strengthening Climate Change Adaptation in the Himalayas (SCA-Himalayas)” to enhance the institutional capacities across the Indian Himalayan Region to plan, implement and mainstream...

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