Auteur: Amelia Fernandez
3 maart 2023
Significant Increases in Water Productivity for Smallholder Farmers in Mozambique
FutureWater successfully completed the APSAN-Vale project in Mozambique, together with it’s partners Resilience BV, HUB and ThirdEye Mozambique. This project aimed to increase climate resilient agricultural productivity and food security, by increasing the water productivity and profitability of smallholder farmers in three areas in Mozambique: Báruè, Moatize, and Nhamatanda. The project prioritized small family sector...
24 februari 2023
Capacity Training on Using Climate and Disaster Risk Information Tools for Enhanced Decision Making in Lao PDR
FutureWater in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank provided training on Climate and Disaster Risk Information Tools for Enhanced Decision Making from 14-15th February 2023 at Luang Prabang province in Laos. Climate change and disaster risks present a serious and growing threat to sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific. ADB’s developing member countries, such...
22 februari 2023
SOSIA Project Successfully Completed after Insightful Field Visits in Zambia and Rwanda
“How long do you irrigate per day?” we asked Madame Christine, a small-holder farmer with an eye for business. “Well, I used to irrigate for up to three hours every day, but not anymore. I can now double my fields under cultivation and sell more crops while using the same amount of water!” We received...
19 januari 2023
Tailor-made Training on Geospatial Data Skills Successfully Completed in Zambia
Solidaridad and FutureWater partnered to conduct a tailor-made training on ‘Geo-spatial data skills development for improved soil water management and enhanced crop productivity at the national level in Zambia’. The training project for the Zambia Agricultural Research Institute (ZARI) was a Tailor-Made Training (TMT), as part of the Orange Knowledge Programme, funded by Nuffic, and...
22 december 2022
FutureWater Partners with the Nature for Water Facility
Over recent months, FutureWater has begun working with the Nature for Water facility to provide technical support to the development of watershed investment programmes globally. The facility aims to provide technical assistance to local “champions” who are developing Watershed Investment Programmes (or Water Funds) in their respective catchments. The facility aims to expedite the delivery...
20 december 2022
HiFarm Project Successfully Completed in Kenya
This month the HiFarm project, a data driven agricultural intensification pilot program for maize, coffee and tea farmers in Kenya, was completed. The 18-month project improved farmer productivity whilst enhancing the environmental risk management and climate resilience of 60 lead farmers through improved soil and crop nutrition management. Over the past years FutureWater, leading company...
15 december 2022
InfoSequia is part of the “Cajamar-INNOVA” Incubation Programme
InfoSequia, the Drought and Early Warning System (DEWS) developed by FutureWater, was granted for being part of the Cajamar-INNOVA Incubation Programme powered by Cajamar Fundation. InfoSequia has been granted by Cajamar-INNOVA, a High-Tech Incubator/Accelerator focused on the Water and Agro sector. During the 6-month granted period, FutureWater’s staff is being mentored and supported by experts...
7 december 2022
Training on Integrated Water Resources Modelling Completed in India
FutureWater and project partners organized a training programme on “Integrated Water Resources Modelling under a Changing Climate in the Indian Himalayas”, from 21-24 November 2022 at National Institute of Hydrology (NIH), Roorkee by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), New Delhi in collaboration with NIH. To promote water security in Himalayan states of India,...
5 december 2022
FutureWater Attends Regional Workshop on Water Pillar in Uzbekistan
On November 29-30, FutureWater participated and supported the organization of the Regional Workshop on Establishing the CAREC Water Pillar, in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The Regional workshop served as a platform to discuss regional cooperation project activities that respond to the needs of the region where demand for water is increasing amid climate change, natural disasters and...
2 december 2022
Stakeholder Meeting on Glacio-hydrological modelling successfully held in Uttarakand, India
A stakeholder meeting on Glacio-hydrological modelling and IWRM planning for a sub-basin in Bhagirathi Basin, Uttarakhand was organized on 25 November, 2022 by FutureWater and project partners, in collaboration with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Government of Uttarakhand in Dehradun. SDC, as part of its strategy on climate change adaptation,...