Auteur: Amelia Fernandez
16 september 2022
FutureWater Provided Training Course on Climate Smart Agriculture to Egyptian Agribusiness Professionals
Last week, Martijn de Klerk, Corjan Nolet, and Tijmen Schults provided an in-person training on Climate Smart Agriculture and geodata and modeling tools for participants representing SMEs from the Egyptian agricultural sector. The training was part of the SASPEN (Sustainable Agriculture Service provision Enterprise Network in Egypt) project, implemented by Care Egypt. The training took...
5 augustus 2022
FutureWater visits Pakistan for Water Accounting Methodology Sharing Workshops and Stakeholder Consultations
On 25th July and 2nd August 2022, FAO Pakistan conducted a Water Accounting Methodology Sharing workshop in Lahore (Punjab) and Karachi (Sindh), respectively. Peter Droogers (Senior Hydrologist) and Tania Imran (Consultant) from FutureWater joined the workshop to deliver introductory sessions on the concept of water accounting and the potential use of remote sensing. The workshop...
2 augustus 2022
Publication of UNCCD report: Climate Change and Land Degradation: Identification of High-Risk Value Chains
In May 2022, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) organized its fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP15) in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, with the aim to unite governments, scientists, policymakers, the private sector and communities around a shared vision to restore and manage the world’s land. To demonstrate the need for national...
1 augustus 2022
FutureWater Provided Training Course on Flying Sensors for Agricultural Systems as Part of TWIGA’s MapYourCrop Service
Early July, Martijn de Klerk, flying sensor expert at FutureWater and Jan van Til, operational manager at HiView, gave a one-week training at Strathmore University in Nairobi, Kenya on the use of drones for agriculture. The course was part of the farm extension service ‘MapYourCrop’ developed by FutureWater, as part of the TWIGA project, with partners HiView, Hydrologic and UFZ...
12 juli 2022
Applications to FAO-FutureWater Course on Real Water Savings in India Are Open!
Applications for the eLearning course Real Water Savings in Agriculture (REWAS) can be submitted starting today. This online course is organized by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and FutureWater at no costs and will be organized in August 2022. Focus will be on India. Participants will receive a FAO / FutureWater...
4 juli 2022
Flying Sensor Demonstration and Training in Mozambique as Part of the APSAN-Vale project
On 17 June associate Jan van Til from HiView accompanied his colleagues from ThirdEye at a presentation day for potential clients. ThirdEye is a Mozambican drone service company that was established in 2015 by FutureWater and HiView. At this day, that was partly held in a venue in Chimoio and partly in a field near...
1 juli 2022
Rewarding Kickoff Meeting for the CREATE Project in Ankara
Last week, FutureWater colleagues Brecht D’Haeyer and Asher Lazarus travelled to Ankara, Turkey, for the kickoff meeting of the CREATE project (Cross Border Climate Vulnerabilities and Remote Impacts of Food Systems of the EU, Turkey and Africa Trade Climate Risk and Adaptation). There, they met with partners from the host institution, Ankara University Water Management...
28 juni 2022
Meet the Rapid Eye XS – Revolutionary Small and Low-Cost Agricultural Drone
FutureWater’s partner HiView has completed the prototype of their latest innovation, the Rapid Eye XS. This ultra light drone is designed in the first place for the use in small scale agriculture, but has many other potential applications. It can process NDVI imagery on-board, and is very easy to use. FutureWater played a prominent role...
16 juni 2022
Exciting Kickoff in Málaga for a new PRIMA-EU Innovation Action project: ‘BONEX’
We are proud to be part of the winning consortium for a PRIMA-EU Innovation Action project. With 16 partners (academia and SME’s) under the lead of Bioazul we gathered in Málaga on 18 and 19 May for a successful, in-person Kickoff meeting of BONEX (Boosting Nexus Framework Implementation in the Mediterranean). It was an energetic...
13 mei 2022
Succesful Field Visit of FutureWater to the APSAN-Vale Project in Mozambique
In April, Vera Hollander, Water Management Expert at FutureWater, visited Mozambique for the APSAN-Vale project. This project will demonstrate what the best combinations are of adoption strategies and technological packages, with the largest overall impact in terms of Water Productivity, both at the plot-level, sub-basin as well as basin-level. The project has as its overall aim to...