Brecht D’Haeyer (MSc.) is a hydrologist and water resources engineer with nearly ten years of experience on surface water and groundwater modelling, water allocation, and climate change. He holds a BSc. in International Land and Water Engineering from Wageningen University, and an MSc. in Hydrology from Imperial College London. During his study, he did research projects in Bangladesh and India on the use of falling aprons for mitigating riverbank erosion and flooding along the Brahmaputra River (BSc) and quantified the impacts on water allocation by transitioning from an open channel to a closed pumped irrigation scheme in Patna, India (MSc). In addition, Brecht has worked for both the public and private industry in several countries of Europe, Africa and Asia, and as resident in Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Brecht has advanced skills in hydraulic and hydrologic modelling and GIS analysis using a variety of existing software packages and programming languages. He is an ambitious and idealistic young professional who aims to contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive world, thereby combining his socio-technical background with his experiences from international research/ engineering projects. This specific combination has allowed Brecht to look beyond the technical problem, tackle complex challenges, and contribute to the most sustainable solution. Brecht is currently a consultant/ researcher on Hydrology at the FutureWater office in Wageningen.
Gerelateerde projecten
Water Supply-Demand Gap analysis for Rogun Dam
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Slim waterbeheer voor krachtige beslissingen in de WEFE-nexus
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Climate Risk Assessment for the Rogun Dam in Tajikistan
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Pre-Feasibility Work to Identify Nature-based Solutions for Multiple Catchments in Nigeria
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WE-ACT: Water Efficient Allocation in a Central Asian Transboundary River Basin
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Climate Change Impact Modelling Tana Basin, Kenya
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SOSIA: Small-Scale Open Source Satellite-based Irrigation Advice
FutureWater currently furthers the development of the SOSIA tool: an irrigation advice for small-scale food producers. Due to the lack of local weather station data, virtual weather stations derived from open-source satellite data are established, and combined with crop stage, and projected and historical precipitation data. The SOSIA tool allows...
Integrated Strategic Water Resources Planning and Management for Rwanda
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Baseline Assessment for the Identification of Landscape Restoration Options in Kyrgyzstan
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Gerelateerde publicaties
2023 - World Bank Report
Landscape Restoration Opportunities in the Naryn River Basin, the Kyrgyz Republic: Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM) Report
Beard, J.E., B. D'Haeyer, G.W.H. Simons
2023 - Final Report
Integrated Strategic Water Resources Planning and Management for Rwanda
D'Haeyer, B., P. Droogers, J.E. Hunink, C.Nolet, D. de Condappa
2023 - FutureWater Report 240
SOSIA: Small-Scale Open Source Satellite-based Irrigation Advice. Report Phase 2.
D'Haeyer, B., L. Verschuren, B. de Vries
2022 - FutureWater Report 237
SOSIA: Small-Scale Open Source Satellite-based Irrigation Advice. Report Phase 1.
D'Haeyer, B., J. van Opstal, L. Verschuren, G.W.H. Simons, M. de Klerk, B. de Vries