
Climate change will have a drastic impact on water resources, water demands and their respective temporal and spatial resolutions. It is therefore clear that a solid assessment of anticipated climate change, its impacts and potential adaptation strategies is needed to guide future development stategies. Such an analysis is needed for existing systems as well as planned investments.

Originally the name Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) was used. However, since vulnerability is part of risk, it is more common to use the term Climate Risk Assessment (CRA). There is no standardized CRA methodology as CRAs are still relatively new and, moreover, always project specific. A more recent development is to make a distinction between climate scenario driven impact assessment approaches, often referred to as “top-down” and vulnerability-oriented approaches called “bottom-up.” FutureWater is an important player in developing and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of both methods and opportunities to merge the two. FutureWater is also very active in developing and applying a more quantitative CRA approach in combination with the classical risk and exposure framework.

FutureWater applications

FutureWater has been very active in undertaking Climate Risk Assessments (CRA) for potential investment projects. At the same time is FutureWater actively involved in developing and refining CRA approaches in collaboration with large investors such as World Bank and Asian Development Bank.

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