In June 2012, a consortium of ISRIC, FutureWater, and Nelen en Schuurmans won the project, financed by Partners for Water. Green Water Management & Credits is a concept developed by ISRIC. It allows quantification of water supply and demand, erosion reduction, yield increase, sedimentation amounts, and hydropower production that is needed to calculate the economic costs and benefits of environmental protection measures. This information allows the development of a financial mechanism for e.g. river basins, based on upstream supply and downstream demand of water services for long term investments in local to regional communities. In order run this concept in areas, an analytical toolkit in combination with adequate database resources and knowhow is necessary. The project aims at future business cases for the partners involved, using the GWM&C concept and toolkit. We will work closely with local/regional partners in China.
More information regarding this project can be found on the project page: Green Water Management and Credits Toolkit for China.