Tania Imran holds a BE. in Environmental Engineering and an MSc in Groundwater and Global Change. As a recipient of the Erasmus+ scholarship, she has graduated with a degree in Water Science and Engineering from IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (The Netherlands), Environmental Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon, Portugal) and Hydroscience Engineering from Technische Universität Dresden (Germany).
She has previously served as a program officer at an environmental think tank where she worked with development partners such as World Bank, Oxfam GB, USAID, and UK-BEIS on different research agendas and knowledge products. In addition, she has designed and executed comprehensive fieldwork campaigns within Pakistan, Netherlands and Germany, mainly focusing on water quality and greenhouse gas emissions.
Tania also has expertise in groundwater modelling (MODFLOW), water resources allocation (WEAP), geospatial analysis (QGIS), urban water management (SWMM), and statistical analysis (R programming). She is currently working as a consultant/researcher at the FutureWater office in Wageningen and is determined to sustainably address the increasingly complex water and climate issues using innovative tools.
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Sustainable Water Resources Management in Mongolia
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Capacity Building on Water Accounting Under the Water Scarcity Program for Asia-Pacific
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Climate Risk and Adaptation Assessment for the Electricity Distribution Infrastructure in Uzbekistan
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Gerelateerde publicaties
2023 - FutureWater Technical Report
Climate Risk and Adaptation Assessment for the Electricity Distribution Infrastructure in Uzbekistan
Khanal, S., T. Imran, T., Nolet, C.
2023 - Technical report
G3P Evaluation Report
Urgilez-Vinueza, A., C. Ruz-Vargas, S. Contreras, T. Imran
2023 - FutureWater Report 243
Climate Risk and Adaptation Assessment for Digitize to Decarbonize – Power Transmission Grid Enhancement Project – Uzbekistan
Khanal, S., T. Imran, C. Nolet